Simplex hydrocarbon cleaning machine
Product Category: Parts Cleaning Engineering
Vacuum sealed tank cleaning, the cleaning process in a vacuum protection state/use of the world's first-class brand yuan equipment, automatic quality superior/vacuum cleaning equipment, PLC control, high efficiency and clean, the ultra precision parts cleaning more thoroughly/equipment energy conservation and environmental protection, in line with national environmental requirements, built-in vacuum distillation system, the implementation of solvent regeneration recycling/workpiece rapid drying under vacuum.
General cleaning process: spray cleaning to ultrasonic cleaning, spray rinse to ultrasonic rinse to wind shear, hot air drying, vacuum drying, the parameters of each process are available on demand, can match up and down the material conveyor line automatic up-down material, can use distillation cycle is hydrocarbon solution, cover an area of an area small, complete functions, high degree of automation, can choose swing or reverse cleaning, energy conservation and environmental protection.

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