
eCar Body Stamping 2024

eCar Body Stamping 2024

Date: 2024.7.2-3

Location: Shanghai

eCar Body Stamping 2024

Automotive Manufacturing Conference

Automotive Manufacturing Conferences focused on the smart manufacturing of automotive bodies,final assembly,powertrain, and core automotive parts. The events are committed to innovative concept applications,including system integration and intelligent manufacturing in the automotive manufacturing industry, as well as business match-making.

A New Networking Platform

Establish New Connections with Automotive Engineering and Industrial Assembly Technicians Anytime, Anywhere

eCar Body Stamping 2024, an upcomingkeystone event within the AMC Series, is poised to take place concurrently with AMTS 2024. Against the backdrop of new car bodies and automotive lightweighting’s swift evolution, this summit aims to spotlight accelerated development, new process technology applications, automation upgrades in workshops, integration of robotics, and strategic planning of smart factories in the automotive stamping industry. Placing focus on these areas will allow the industry to adapt to advancements and challenges presented by new materials and car bodies.

eCar Body Stamping 2024will last two days, boasting a rich and vibrant agenda. Comprised ofone main forum and four sub-forums, the event is expected to drawover 2,000professionalsfromthe fields of new energy vehicles, components, new energy powertrains, and their core components. Discussions will delve into the intricacies of intelligent manufacturing for new energy vehicles.。

In tandem with the summit,AMTS 2024will hostover 800 exhibitorsfrom around the globe. Covering diverse domains such as automotive materials and design, technology and equipment, quality and assembly, and the future of automotive development, this exhibition is anticipated to draw an70,000 industry professionals. Serving as acomprehensive display platform for the latest technological solutions in automotive engineering, the show functions as a one-stop communication hub for networking and collaboration within the industry.

► Conference Agenda

* Final schedule subject to onsite announcements.

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